Thursday, March 13, 2008

Here is Our precious little angel Rylin. This is her newest face that just makes Ryun and I laugh hysterically. Here is the story behind the ace; one day while playing with mom and dad rylin was getting sick of them pick on her, she all of a sudden did this face out of frustration and we just kept bugging her to see if it was just a one time face, but nope...she kept doing it until we stopped bugging her- we love our little baby, although she is only 6 months old and starting to get attidtude. ENJOY!!!

First step in the angry process...

Getting more angry...

UH! OH! she is doing the face, I love it!


Vanessa said...

hello. this is talea. rylin is so so cute!!! we love her!

Shannon said...

Wow, she's so pretty!!!

She's getting so big!!