Thursday, June 12, 2008

May/June at the Jansen's

Hey all. So, we had a fun month!

#1: mother's day. This was the cutest b/c Kelton sang in church in the primary for the 1st time, and I cried. he knew all the songs and did great! he also made me a bracelet in primary and chase made me a fruitloop necklace in nursery (daddy helped the kids with this). Kelton also made me a little bundle of gifts at joyschool. it was my first mother's day of real made stuff from my kids, and I LOVED IT! it was the best, from the heart.

#2: Bryce's B-day. Way to go buddy! #10! He had a great b-day party with his friends, they went fishing and then came back for a bbq and presents/cake and icecream. He seemed to have SO much fun!

#3: On the 23rd, we took of to Fly to Florida. It was fun to visit with Jake's family and go to Disney World. We also got a long visit with them, b/c Jake had off Memorial Day and he also has every other friday off, so we planned it right and were gone for 10 days.

That's it!

Since then, we've had celebrated Chase's b-day (6-5), with a party last Monday and are now celebrating our 5 year anniversary on Saturday (although we went out last night for it)., we are taking the kids to an air show on Saturday and are leaving for a quick overnight camp out early tomorrow morning! Keeping busy is the way we like it!

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